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Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors

2022-06-15 18:33

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The picture album is a display platform. The picture album can be designed with smooth lines, personal and corporate style, concept, harmonious pictures or beautiful words, full of creativity and appreciation, and combined into an exquisite picture album with promotional products and brand image .

Picture album is an ideal expression with both pictures and texts. Compared with a single text or picture album, picture album has an unparalleled absolute advantage. Because the album is eye-catching enough for people to understand at a glance, but it is also clear enough because it has relatively simplified text descriptions.

The album design can use smooth lines, harmonious pictures, or beautiful words to combine into a creative, readable and enjoyable exquisite album. All-round three-dimensional display of enterprise or individual style and concept, and publicize products and brand image.

In the process of album production and design, we will integrate advantages and make overall plans according to different contents and different theme characteristics, so that the album will seek innovation in the overall harmony. A good picture album must have accurate market positioning, high-level creative design, and show the style of the picture album carrier from all angles. The picture album can be majestic, detailed and delicate, colorful, and simple. Excellent designers aim to turn the creation of corporate picture albums into an artistic enjoyment and a driving force for marketing.

The planning and making process of corporate picture album is essentially a process of refining the corporate philosophy and displaying the essence. Rather than a simple overlay of pictures and text. An excellent corporate picture album should give people the impression of art, the display of strength, and the presentation of spirit, instead of boring words and dull pictures.


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